Jun 23, 2018

Where to visit in Aichi (Nagoya) ?

Are you keen on traveling around the world but no time and no money for that ?
Here's the best place for you to explore the world in just one day !

Aiichi (Its capital is Nagoya) has fascinating theme park , what is called " Little World". It might reminds you of World Expo and you can walk through the park with the sight of houses of each countries and lean what their living like !
More interestingly, you can enjoy food each countries or dress in costumes and take pictures !  My friend and I tried Indian and Indonesian outfits !

Access from Kyoto : 35mins Shinkansen ride and get to Nagoya station
25mins train ride(Meitetsu Inuyama Line) and get to Inuyama station
20mins bus ride(Gifu Bus) and to get to Little World


The more people you have in your group, the more fun and enjoyable!!
Enjoy your time in Aichi Prefecture !!

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